Greater Awareness, Greater Threat Management
Over 60% of companies experience loss, manipulation, or theft of data from within their organization. As companies worldwide empower their employees to work from any location and on a number of devices, a comprehensive enterprise data loss prevention strategy is paramount to detect and respond to insider threats and privacy risks happening within the company itself.
For enterprise customers that rely on IBM z Systems to operate their business, the need for detailed and accurate information concerning data becomes crucial for effective operation. These platforms consist of the largest pools of data as well as the highest number of data access touch points. DataLenz equips customers with the ability to monitor and analyze large data sets on every platform throughout the company.
When it comes to accessing and manipulating data on the System z platform, context is critical for filtering out false positives. DataLenz provides the geolocation data necessary for effective and secure filtering while maintaining a high standard of threat detection. With DataLenz, you can confidently minimize false positives.
Without contextual awareness, detecting definitive threats becomes unmanageable resulting in delays for intrusion prevention as well as complex and costly overhead of event logging, collection of data, and management.
DataLenz gives companies the awareness they need when safeguarding against insider threats and guaranteeing that company intellectual property is appropriately accessed and utilized.
Ready to see firsthand the benefits DataLenz can offer? Schedule a demo with us. We look forward to helping you protect your data assets.