Comply with DORA regulations with DataLenz

DataLenz is the world’s first geofencing security product

Our advanced technology enables you to easily monitor who is accessing company data, how it's being manipulated, and from where the data is being accessed.  Terminate data access in real time; notify the security team; or allow the access and monitor its activity.  The configurable settings enable you to get as granular as you need, while the product learns company patterns.

Real-Time Detection

DataLenz meets DORA requirement with Real-Time Detection, alerting your team instantly via email, SMS & console messages.

Automatic Access Termination

Meet "The Hammer" - Your Dynamic Defender against data breaches.  This cutting-edge solution automatically terminates suspicious connections, ensuring your data's safety.  Plus, it is DORA compliant for top-tier security and regulatory adherence.

Machine Learning

Automatic learning by the DataLenz Analytics Engine will discover usage anomalies that would otherwise be exceedingly difficult to spot.

 Terminate Threats in Real-Time

In alignment with DORA requirement, DataLenz automatically terminates connections when access is considered severe enough for security team intervention.

 Data Geofencing

Know exactly from where your data is being accessed & easily geofence your data, even with VPNs.  Boost DORA compliance with DataLenz data access location logging and control.

 Data Governance

Comprehensive auditing and reporting tools for DORA, GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS compliance and more.  DataLenz logs all the accesses, not just the exceptions.

Read more about the 5 pillars of DORA and how DataLenz is a cornerstone tool for any risk management strategy

 Companies must continually look for new ways to protect their valuable data.

The mainframe is no exception!